Flood Modeller
Integrated hydrological and hydraulic modelling. Accelerate your project delivery using a fast, accurate and fully integrated flood modelling solution.
Integrated hydrological and hydraulic modelling. Accelerate your project delivery using a fast, accurate and fully integrated flood modelling solution.
UrbanistAI uses AI and collective intelligence for participatory urban planning, co-design, and policymaking.
VC Solar analyzes 3D solar potential, optimizing photovoltaic planning, CO₂ savings, and urban sustainability.
VC Planner is a web-based tool for collaborative 3D urban planning, visualization, and analysis.
UrbView AI enhances urban safety using AI-driven insights, danger mapping, and design evaluation.
A software to connect and manage cities' infrastructures to reduce environmental footprint, improve quality of life and resilience
Environmental sensors, solar lighting and data control in a single station
Citizen participation platform for your planning project - customiseable, map-based and AI-driven
Evaluate building and solar design options for early-stage urban development in minutes
Optimize Real-Estate Development. Develop the best performing designs for your projects in less time, by using our custom-built algorithmic, generative and AI supported toolsets.
Attentive.ai automates landscaping, paving, and construction workflows with automated takeoffs and business management tools.
MetricMonkey enables you to design better cities and buildings and makes feasibility studies easy.
SpatialGPT transforms urban data into accessible 3D insights.
VU.CITY provides 3D city modeling and digital twin software, enhancing urban planning and collaboration.
UrbanForm uses AI and GIS technologies to accelerate zoning discovery
Top-Yard is a turnkey solution to transform a drab, unsafe roof into a livable urban oasis.
Integrated urban design, planning and development software for teams
Kolega Space automates spatial layout and floor plan generation for architects using genetic algorithms and machine learning
Husqvarna offers diverse robotic lawn mowers for all garden types, enabling efficient 24/7 lawn care.
Street Smart is Cyclomedia's interactive web viewer for comprehensive spatial analysis.
Urban traffic management system optimizes traffic flow, enhances safety, and reduces congestion in cities.
Interactive digital twin configuration software.
Planalogic uses AI to help design better cities and buildings.
Innovative, sustainable, and inclusive urban housing solutions.
Smart IoT Lamppost powered by wind and solar with integrated energy storage and grid connection that enables multiple integrated applications.
Full-featured Urban Operating System (UOS) facilitating seamless integrations, powering buildings, campuses, and smart cities. Urban Digital Twins revolutionize decision-making in large-scale projects, providing cost savings, productivity gains, and organization-wide carbon emission reduction.
High-quality, versatile artificial grass with realistic look, UV-stability and efficent drainage ability.
Versatile and sustainable solar canopy with EV charging for urban parking areas.
Cityware allows 3D visualisation of urban infrastructure and cities for efficient design.
Growing urbanization demands robust safety concepts. MiNiBLOC guides and protects, ensuring efficient traffic management.
Soofa is the ultimate solar-powered advertising and smart city communication platform
Mapillary App allows you to access street-level imagery and map data from all over the world
URBAN GreenUP promotes nature-based solutions for sustainable and liveable cities
Create a sustainable masterplan for a city, community or campus
Green, climate-adaptive solution with integrated solar panels to create robust city spaces.
Advanced ecosystem service modeling and mapping for water-related interventions.
Technical solutions encompass components for planning, delivering, and managing Nature-Based Solutions, incorporating local conditions and evaluation.
Mapping tool analyzes site with data from multiple sources.
Intuitive 3D visualization and rendering software
Strategic urban planning integrating local context, pedestrian spaces, environment, and community engagement.
STREETBOND offers durable, visually appealing, and eco-friendly pavement coatings for various applications.
Nomoko pioneers high-resolution 3D city modeling via drones, enabling immersive digital experiences
Patented digital twin technology enhances urban livability intelligently.
Multimodal Transportation And Land-Use Modeling Software
High-quality sail shades to enhance outdoor play environments, ensuring safety and UV protection for children.
Comprehensive location intelligence with immersive geospatial mapping.
Enginko sensors collect and share environmental data for better decision-making.
Reliable data and accurate calculation models.
Fast, easy 3D modeling for anything you can imagine.
Centre for Cities data platform provides comprehensive UK urban data for 63 cities.
Precise rheologic microclimate simulations assess green architecture's cooling, shading, solar radiation, ensuring accuracy.
Customized algorithms and workflows for unlocking remote sensing data insights
CAD-integrated landscape design software for 2D and 3D modeling
Sempergreen Detention and Retention Roofs enable efficient stormwater management in urban areas by incorporating green infrastructure and enhancing biodiversity.
Leading UK rainwater harvesting specialists provide comprehensive solutions.
Tuuci, a prominent parasol supplier, safeguards occupants from harmful UV radiation
Eco-green living roofs mitigate climate change, promote biodiversity, and improve urban livability.
Modular rain garden system for stormwater management and biodiversity.
Modelur streamlines urban massing analysis for architects and planners.
Open Data Platforms empower students, professionals to navigate cultural heritage, housing, land planning.
Innovative design solutions for diverse project types.
Low-carbon paving system promoting sustainable urban environments.
Trilliant enables Smart Cities through versatile, future-proof networks, offering technology choice for seamless integration, sustainability, and efficiency.
BauderBLUE blue roof: Sustainable rainwater control system for urban areas.
Unprecedented urban insights through high-resolution imagery.
BLOXHUB, a non-profit, Nordic urbanization hub, fosters collaboration through co-working, events, research, networking
Blosm for Blender: OpenStreetMap, Google 3D cities, terrain
Carbon-negative road repair technology using recycled asphalt and lignin.
Enhanced street lighting control with intuitive nodes, online monitoring, and energy efficiency.
User-friendly 3D outdoor living design software with seamless 2D-to-3D transformation and customization.
3D landscape design software for easy outdoor living space creation
Husqvarna zero-turn mowers deliver efficient and precise results for extensive mowing.
Athena SmartCities™ integrates tech for sustainable communities, including smart homes, security, and environmental solutions.
Global satellite imaging with 20 cm resolution, low cost.
Arcol is a conceptual design and documentation tool that's built for architects
Efficient 3D modelling software for intricate urban environment creation.
AI-assisted urban design tool optimizing neighborhood designs for developers, architects, and planners.
Intuitive online tool to facilitate collaborative urban planning for climate resilience.
Advanced satellite constellation with 9x resolution, affordable.
AISLAND APARTMENTS offers luxurious floating city apartments with picturesque views.
Cyvl.ai provides AI-powered mapping solutions for managing infrastructure, pavements, trees, row assets etc.
Agio crafts affordable outdoor designs and luxury baby products, blending beauty and quality.
Urban design software created for planners, architects and developers exclusively for iPad.
Cloud-based design portfolio platform for architects.
Smarter Urban Development and Planning with AI
Colouree provides AI, data, and location analytics for assessing the performance of urban spaces in terms of services, amenities, commutes, wellbeing, and user experiences.
A cloud-based urban planning tool addressing global urban housing affordability via scenario analysis and interdepartmental collaboration, enhancing decision-making.
comprehensive urban intelligence platform for data-driven decisions.
Planetizen provides urban planning courses for professionals and enthusiasts.
Cycloramas, comprehensive 360° photos with 100MP resolution and LiDAR data, offer precise, georeferenced urban analysis at street level
Creating sustainable and innovative designs for the future.
High-performance decorative pavement coating system for creating vibrant, slip-resistant surfaces.
CITYDATA.ai provides mobility intelligence and citizen apps for smart cities.
Find any development site in seconds, saving time, money and efforts.
CityBreeze cleans the air, cools urban spaces, and helps mitigate the UHI effect, fostering eco-friendly environments.
City Mobility Simulator (CityMos) is a high-performance digital twin solution for city-scale transport system.
The world's first primary CAD application for conceptual urban design and city information modelling.
3D landscape modeling platform that combines data from a variety of sources to create 3D models of project areas.
Software library for hierarchical, topological architectural representation via non-manifold topology, enhancing design tools.
Innovating urban technology for sustainable connections.